/* $Id: start,v 22.17 2023/02/23 19:44:03 karst Exp $ */ /* vim: set formatoptions+=l textwidth=0 nowrap: */ ~~META:title=Classical Cryptography (Klassieke Cryptografie) 2022-2023~~ ====== Classical Cryptography (Klassieke Cryptografie) 2022-2023 ====== {{ beker_transposition.png?200|Warmup }} |//Teacher Part I//|[[crypto@os3.nl|Karst Koymans]]| |//Teacher Part II//|Taco Walstra| |//Assistants//|Kyrian Maat| | |Rick Klarenberg| | |Stijn Maatje| |//Course Code//|[[https://datanose.nl/#course[110034]|5062KLCR6Y]]| ===== In case you need psychological support ===== 'All Ears,' a call line and chat function for UvA students, managed by psychology\\ students. This initiative is founded and coordinated by the UvA psychology department,\\ and is under the guidance of the Clinical Psychology programme group. [[https://www.allearsamsterdam.com/|All Ears website]] {{all_ears_promotie.pdf|Promotieslide}} ===== Time and Location ===== * Part I * Tuesday (February 7, 14, 21) * 11:00-13:00 lecture (SP D1.111) * 13:00-15:00 practice (SP D1.111) * Friday (February 10, 17, 24) * 11:00-13:00 lecture (SP D1.111) * 13:00-15:00 practice (SP D1.111) * Part II (lecturer Taco Walstra, via Canvas) * Tuesday (February 28; March 7) * 11:00-13:00 lecture (SP D1.111) * 13:00-15:00 practice (SP D1.111) * Monday (March 13, 20) * 11:00-13:00 lecture (SP C0.05) * 13:00-15:00 practice (SP D1.111) * Friday (March 3, 10) * 11:00-13:00 lecture (SP D1.111) * 13:00-15:00 practice (SP D1.111) * Friday (March 17, 24) * 11:00-13:00 lecture (SP L1.01) * 13:00-15:00 practice (SP D1.111) ===== Canvas and Datanose ===== Course information is also published in [[https://canvas.uva.nl/courses/36021|Canvas]] and [[https://datanose.nl/#course[110034]|Datanose]]. ===== Examination ===== ==== Homework ==== The course will have [[https://canvas.uva.nl/courses/36021/assignments|homework assignments]] in Canvas. Homework assignments will be weighted for 20% in the final grade. ==== Exam ==== **Important**: Chapter 1 from Prac (below) is **not applicable** to the exams! The exam will consist of two parts, in the same time slot, corresponding to Part I (Karst Koymans) and Part II (Taco Walstra) * Exam * Wednesday, March 29, 13:00-16:00 (REC C1.04) * Resit * Friday, June 2, 11:00-14:00 (SP D1.116) The exam will be weighted for 80% in the final grade. ==== Final grade ==== Final_grade = 0.8 * Exam_grade + 0.2 * Homework_grade ===== Literature ===== The course is for the most part, especially part II, based on the material in "Cryptology, Classical and Modern" by Richard Klima and Neil Sigmon. * CCaM: [[https://www.routledge.com/Cryptology-Classical-and-Modern/Klima-Klima-Sigmon-Sigmon/p/book/9781138047624|Cryptology: Classical and Modern, Second Edition]] The course was in earlier years based on the book "The Mathematics of Secrets" by Joshua Holden. The paperback version has taken care of some of the errata in the hardcover edition, so the paperback version is recommended. * TMoS: [[https://wordpress.rose-hulman.edu/holden/the-mathematics-of-secrets/|The Mathematics of Secrets]] * framed in [[http://mathofsecrets.com/]] The syllabus and exercise book by dr. Hans van der Meer will supply additional material. * Syll: [[https://staff.fnwi.uva.nl/h.vandermeer/pubs/syllabus-info-s.pdf|Syllabus Cryptografie, Editie 2016, dr. H. van der Meer]] (in Dutch) * Prac: [[https://staff.fnwi.uva.nl/h.vandermeer/pubs/practicum.pdf|Practicumboek Cryptografie, Editie 2015, dr. H. van der Meer]] (in Dutch) ===== Links ===== * The Voynich Manuscript * [[https://collections.library.yale.edu/catalog/2002046|Cipher Manuscript]] * The Zodiac Killer * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_Oh4snhF70|Let's Crack Zodiac - Episode 1 - Graysmith]] * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyH9-AHz-HY|Let's Crack Zodiac - Episode 2 - Bigrams]] * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57o8g3d6lSw|Let's Crack Zodiac - Episode 3 - The 408]] * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZY1Y5xyKcBw|Let's Crack Zodiac - Episode 4 - National Cryptologic Museum]] * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1oQLPRE21o|Let's Crack Zodiac - Episode 5 - The 340 Is Solved!]] * The Kulp message * [[https://www.eapoe.org/works/misc/awm40c08.htm|Edgar Allan Poe, "Our Puzzles Once More"]] ===== Topics ===== The handouts are just the slides printed 4 on 1 page... ^Week^Slides^Handout^Version^Extra^ |1a|{{intro.pdf|Introduction}}|{{intro_handout.pdf|Introduction}}|22.4| | |1b|{{mono.pdf|Monoalphabetic substitution}}|{{mono_handout.pdf|Monoalphabetic substitution}}|22.4| | |2a|{{mono_analysis.pdf|Monoalphabetic cryptanalysis}}|{{mono_analysis_handout.pdf|Monoalphabetic cryptanalysis}}|22.4|{{spanish.pdf|Spanish monoalpabetical substitution}}| | |{{poly.pdf|Polyalphabetic substitution}}|{{poly_handout.pdf|Polyalphabetic substitution}}|22.5| | |2b|{{poly_analysis.pdf|Polyalphabetic cryptanalysis}}|{{poly_analysis_handout.pdf|Polyalphabetic cryptanalysis}}|22.3| | | |{{trans.pdf|Transpositions}}|{{trans_handout.pdf|Transpositions}}|22.6| | |3a|{{trans_analysis.pdf|Transposition cryptanalysis}}|{{trans_analysis_handout.pdf|Transposition cryptanalysis}}|22.4| | |3b|{{digital.pdf|Codes and digitalisation}}|{{digital_handout.pdf|Codes and digitalisation}}|22.9| | ===== Exercises ===== * {{exercises_1a.pdf|Exercises_1a}} * {{exercises_1b.pdf|Exercises_1b}} * {{spaans_oefening.pdf|Spanish monoalphabet (scheme 3.1)}} * {{prac_3.1.txt|Spanish monoalphabet}} * {{exercises_2a.pdf|Exercises_2a}} * {{tmos_p31.txt|Simple substitution}} * {{tmos_p36.txt|Simple substitution with homophones}} * {{porta_oefening.pdf|Porta with crib (scheme 4.1)}} * {{prac_4.1.txt|Porta with crib}} * {{beaufort_oefening.pdf|Beaufort with crib (scheme 4.2)}} * {{prac_4.2.txt|Beaufort with crib}} * {{exercises_2b.pdf|Exercises_2b}} * {{tmos_79.txt|Parker Hitt's routes}} * {{prac_2.2.1.txt|ROUTE-1 Engels}} * {{prac_2.2.2.txt|ROUTE-2 Engels}} * {{prac_2.2.3.txt|ROUTE-3 Engels}} * {{trans_oefening.pdf|Transpositions with identical endings (scheme 2.1)}} * {{prac_2.1.txt|Cryptograms for 2.1}} * {{exercises_3a.pdf|Exercises_3a}} * {{tmos_p99.txt|Keyed columnar transposition}} * {{tmos_p106.txt|Simultaneous anagramming}} * {{prac_4.6_mk1.txt|Input for kappa test MIXEDKLAAR-1 Engels}} * {{prac_4.6_mk2.txt|Input for kappa test MIXEDKLAAR-2 Duits}} * {{prac_4.6_mk3.txt|Input for kappa test MIXEDKLAAR-3 Duits}} * {{prac_4.6_mc1.txt|Input for kappa test MIXEDCIJFER-1 Engels}} * {{prac_4.6_mc2.txt|Input for kappa test MIXEDCIJFER-2 Engels}} * {{prac_4.6_mc3.txt|Input for kappa test MIXEDCIJFER-3 Duits}} * {{prac_4.6_mc4.txt|Input for kappa test MIXEDCIJFER-4 Duits}} * {{exercises_3b.pdf|Exercises_3b}} * {{kerckhoffs_oefening.pdf|Kerckhoffs superimposition (practicumboek hoofdstuk 7)}} * {{prac_7.txt|Kerckhoffs}} * {{midway_oefening.pdf|Battle of Midway (practicumboek hoofdstuk 5)}} * {{prac_5.txt|Midway}} * Bonus exercises applying the theory of the first three weeks * {{aivd-kerstpuzzel-2015.pdf|Dutch AIVD 2015 Christmas puzzles 2a, 3c and 17}} * {{aivd-kerstpuzzel-2016.pdf|Dutch AIVD 2016 Christmas puzzles 7, 8, 9, 11 and 24}} /* * {{exercises_4a.pdf|Exercises_4a}} * {{exercises_4b.pdf|Exercises_4b}} * {{tmos_p149.txt|Multiple messages superimposed with same polyalphabetic key}} * {{exercises_5a.pdf|Exercises_5a}} * {{exercises_5b.pdf|Exercises_5b}} * {{exercises_6a.pdf|Exercises_6a}} * {{exercises_6b.pdf|Exercises_6b}} */ ===== Planning ===== /* This planning is //tentative//. */ * //Tuesday, February 7// /* intro [0] with puzzles and Ruby */ * CCaM: 1 * Syll: 1.2-4, 1.6.1-2 * Xtra: * [[https://www.puzzletome.com/|Puzzletome]] * [[https://puzzletome.com/puzzle.php?contest_id=10&puzzle_id=1|Puzzle Primer (login needed)]] * [[https://www.brainbashers.com/|BrainBashers]] * [[https://www.brainbashers.com/slitherlink.asp|Slitherlink]] * [[https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/puzzles/|Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection]] * //Friday, February 10// /* mono alphabets [1] */ * CCaM: 2.1, 6.1-2, 6.4, 8 * TMoS: 1.1-4, 1.6, 1.8 * Syll: 3.1, 3.3 * Prac: 3.1-4 * //Tuesday, February 14// /* mono cryptanalysis [2] + poly alphabets [3] */ * CCaM: 2.2-3, 6.3, 6.5, 7.1-2 * TMoS: 1.5, 1.7, 2.1-2.4, 2.7 * Syll: 6.2, 6.3.1-2, 6.5, 3.2, 4.1-2, 4.4 * Prac: 4.1, 4.2 /* Porta, Beaufort */ * //Friday, February 17// /* poly cryptanalysis [4] and transpositions [5] */ * CCaM: 7.4-6 3.1, 3.3 * TMoS: 2.5-6, 3.1-5 * Syll: 6.3.3-4, 6.4, 6.6, 6.7.0-1, 2.1-5 * Prac: 2.1-6 * //Tuesday, February 21// /* transpositions cryptanalysis [6] */ * CCaM: 3.2 * TMoS: 3.6-7 * Prac: 4.6 (as input for kappa test; solve as bonus) * //Friday, February 24// /* digitization [7] */ * CCaM: - * TMoS: 2.9, 3.8, 4.1-3 * Syll: 3.2, 3.4-5 * Prac: 7 (Kerckhoffs superimposition), 5 (Midway) * //Tuesday, February 28 - Friday, March 24// * Course continued by Taco Walstra via Canvas